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v.kustov@aykfclw.bizml.ru      12/11/2022 5:20:16 PM

Hi, we are dying in Ukraine, we have no light or food, we need bandages, tourniquets and blood transfusions, we need drones and generators. Help in any way you can. Bitcoin (BTC) (bc1q2w2cnk706s4cn8504x9lpv7fendxdywtdter4m) Ethereum (ETH) (0xF9FdB19De9Ecc5eeFe470724ae54061BA52b5EE8) Who will help us if not you! Help us!

ericjonesmyemail@gmail.com      12/11/2022 3:05:46 AM

Cool website! My name’s Eric, and I just found your site - dggrafisk.no - while surfing the net. You showed up at the top of the search results, so I checked you out. Looks like what you’re doing is pretty cool. But if you don’t mind me asking – after someone like me stumbles across dggrafisk.no, what usually happens? Is your site generating leads for your business? I’m guessing some, but I also bet you’d like more… studies show that 7 out 10 who land on a site wind up leaving without a trace. Not good. Here’s a thought – what if there was an easy way for every visitor to “raise their hand” to get a phone call from you INSTANTLY… the second they hit your site and said, “call me now.” You can – Talk With Web Visitor is a software widget that’s works on your site, ready to capture any visitor’s Name, Email address and Phone Number. It lets you know IMMEDIATELY – so that you can talk to that lead while they’re literally looking over your site. CLICK HERE h

info@getlisted.directory      12/8/2022 7:46:20 PM

Hello, Get more traffic, leads and sales by submitting your website on getlisted.directory Never has it been easier to promote your website. Just a few inputs and the software will do the rest. No more worries about CAPTCHAs, email verification or manual link building. We''ve automated everything that we possibly could to make submitting your website a breeze. Visit us on getlisted.directory and get submitted up to 10k directories.

r0man.slivin@mail.ru      12/8/2022 2:10:46 PM

Hi! Please tell me the number of your office, I will come to you tomorrow. QGW5QUP9FMNJSU6WXF www.yahoo.com

ericjonesmyemail@gmail.com      12/7/2022 5:02:19 PM

Hey, this is Eric and I ran across dggrafisk.no a few minutes ago. Looks great… but now what? By that I mean, when someone like me finds your website – either through Search or just bouncing around – what happens next? Do you get a lot of leads from your site, or at least enough to make you happy? Honestly, most business websites fall a bit short when it comes to generating paying customers. Studies show that 70% of a site’s visitors disappear and are gone forever after just a moment. Here’s an idea… How about making it really EASY for every visitor who shows up to get a personal phone call you as soon as they hit your site… You can – Talk With Web Visitor is a software widget that’s works on your site, ready to capture any visitor’s Name, Email address and Phone Number. It signals you the moment they let you know they’re interested – so that you can talk to that lead while they’re literally looking over your site. CLICK HERE https://boostleadgeneration.co

ericjonesmyemail@gmail.com      12/7/2022 1:31:53 PM

My name’s Eric and I just came across your website - dggrafisk.no - in the search results. Here’s what that means to me… Your SEO’s working. You’re getting eyeballs – mine at least. Your content’s pretty good, wouldn’t change a thing. BUT… Eyeballs don’t pay the bills. CUSTOMERS do. And studies show that 7 out of 10 visitors to a site like dggrafisk.no will by, take a gander, and then head for the hills without doing anything else. It’s like they never were even there. You can fix this. You can make it super-simple for them to raise their hand, say, “okay, let’s talk” without requiring them to even pull their cell phone from their pocket… thanks to Talk With Web Visitor. Talk With Web Visitor is a software widget that sits on your site, ready and waiting to capture any visitor’s Name, Email address and Phone Number. It lets you know immediately – so you can talk to that lead immediately… without delay… BEFORE they head for those hills. CLICK

reconectar@cidaliavieira.com      12/7/2022 5:40:05 AM

Hi there I wanted to reach out and let you know about our new dog harness. It''s really easy to put on and take off - in just 2 seconds - and it''s personalized for each dog. Plus, we offer a lifetime warranty so you can be sure your pet is always safe and stylish. We''ve had a lot of success with it so far and I think your dog would love it. Get yours today with 50% OFF: https://caredogbest.com FREE Shipping - TODAY ONLY! Cheers, Monserrate

danilo.ducroz37@gmail.com      12/6/2022 1:10:49 PM

Good day, bow to you! This is a cry for help through tears, we are refugees from Ukraine, My daughter''s leg was torn off by a shell and she needs surgery, We cry and pray every day, there is nothing to buy us food, My mom is crippled by brain cancer, she needs an operation, Help what you can, we will pray for those who help us. We need money to survive, not to live. BTC (bc1q2w2cnk706s4cn8504x9lpv7fendxdywtdter4m)

ericjonesmyemail@gmail.com      12/5/2022 2:47:27 PM

Good day, My name is Eric and unlike a lot of emails you might get, I wanted to instead provide you with a word of encouragement – Congratulations What for? Part of my job is to check out websites and the work you’ve done with dggrafisk.no definitely stands out. It’s clear you took building a website seriously and made a real investment of time and resources into making it top quality. There is, however, a catch… more accurately, a question… So when someone like me happens to find your site – maybe at the top of the search results (nice job BTW) or just through a random link, how do you know? More importantly, how do you make a connection with that person? Studies show that 7 out of 10 visitors don’t stick around – they’re there one second and then gone with the wind. Here’s a way to INSTANT engagement that you may not have known about… Talk With Web Visitor is a software widget that’s works on your site, ready to capture any visitor’s Name, Email

ericjonesmyemail@gmail.com      12/5/2022 1:43:24 AM

Cool website! My name’s Eric, and I just found your site - dggrafisk.no - while surfing the net. You showed up at the top of the search results, so I checked you out. Looks like what you’re doing is pretty cool. But if you don’t mind me asking – after someone like me stumbles across dggrafisk.no, what usually happens? Is your site generating leads for your business? I’m guessing some, but I also bet you’d like more… studies show that 7 out 10 who land on a site wind up leaving without a trace. Not good. Here’s a thought – what if there was an easy way for every visitor to “raise their hand” to get a phone call from you INSTANTLY… the second they hit your site and said, “call me now.” You can – Talk With Web Visitor is a software widget that’s works on your site, ready to capture any visitor’s Name, Email address and Phone Number. It lets you know IMMEDIATELY – so that you can talk to that lead while they’re literally looking over your site. CLICK HERE h


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